Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Every Family's got one...

Yeah, every family I know has got one of those people that well let's say is ....a little misbehaved. A 'black sheep' or sorts. I really don't want to call them a criminal, but you know the one who's always up to something. Mine is Casey, yeah that cute little buck toothed kid who hugs constantly and smiles and goes to three different churches on most sundays. Yeah, she's borderline criminal. According to her school. Today I get a call from the principal saying that she wrote on the walls in the girls restroom in the gym. And wrote about another girl, something about not liking what she likes or something. So they marched my child and her sidekick (she had an accomplice) down to the gym and made them wash it off and then sit in the principals office during all of recess. Isn't that terrrible? At least she didn't threaten to kill anyone today.


Older not wiser said...

I bet the other girl came up with the idea. My neice is not guilty.

Robyn said...

I dunno Casey's rap sheet does include terroristic threatening, inappropriate language, and now vandalism. The other girls sheet is clean. Casey did say it was the other girls markers.

Anonymous said...

instaaaannnnttt karrrrmaaaaaa

Robyn said...

very funny.