Monday, December 29, 2008
My Marley review
So I took Casey to see Marley and Me this weekend. Oh gawwd, not a dry eye in the house. I don't remember the last movie that made me cry like this. If you love dogs (which I know you do) and have ever had one for more than 10 years (which I think some of you have) you will bawl. The whole movie was good. I love Owen Wilson. Jennifer Aniston, she's okay. But the entire story about the dog and how the dog belonged to the family was great. The end killed me. It's no secret the dog dies, but how is a mystery if you haven't read the book. I will just say the words the vet said and how it happened is exactly what I went through with my Sukibear. I had no shame crying like that in a movie. It's not for little kids, but Casey handled it well. I was worried it was going to stir up some old feelings she had for a certain other dog she had a meltdown about, but I think it helped her a little. Go see it, but not without a purse full of kleenex. I didn't think I would react the way I did, but it was worth it. Especially the part about Marley liking mango's. 

Monday, December 22, 2008
Christmas #1

We started our Christmas festivities yesterday with my Mom and Dad (and yes their spouses too!). I know Stinkydog has posted about our tradition of raising our hands until the countdown to open presents. It's always fun and even though some of the nieces and nephews are college age they still seem to enjoy it like the were 6 or 8 years old. And of course we have the traditional picture of Blake and Patrick. Head shot only. We are now the proud owners of a little more than 500 of this same picture. The only thing lacking each year is the presence of hair! And just for Stinkydog, Dad can't even keep his eyes open for a picture-even when he physically tries to open them for the picture!!! Hope everyone is having a great holiday season so far. Enjoy the pics.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Where I'll be...
Friday, December 12, 2008
A kid funny
Okay, my kids say hysterical shit all the time. They crack me up. But other people's children don't. I'm sorry, they just usually aren't near as cute or funny as the Mom thinks. I'm sure mine aren't as funny to other people either. Anyway, my friend Donna has the cutest freakin' kids in the world. She told me this story this morning and I chuckle every time I repeat it.
Her sister walks in and hasn't seen her 4 year old in a while and says: "Gunnar!! You've grown a foot since I last saw you!"
Gunnar: Visibly upset and looks around and says "Where? Where?"
(OMG- the kid actually thought a foot grew out of him somewhere and he couldn't see it!)
Her sister walks in and hasn't seen her 4 year old in a while and says: "Gunnar!! You've grown a foot since I last saw you!"
Gunnar: Visibly upset and looks around and says "Where? Where?"
(OMG- the kid actually thought a foot grew out of him somewhere and he couldn't see it!)
Wednesday, December 10, 2008

I know I have been the biggest slacker when it has come to posting this month. And believe me, I know I'm not any more busy than anyone else so I have no good excuses! The kids have both started basketball which has been fun (okay dammit I will e-mail you schedules soon!). Connor finished cotillion and we had the holly ball (pictured is Connor with 2 classmates-Melissa and Kendall). Let me tell you, he can DANCE. Definitely did not get his daddies rhythm. Heh heh.
Anyway, school's out next week and I must get my butt in gear getting ready for Christmas.
Friday, November 21, 2008
I'm excited it's Friday, but hoping we don't have another round of vomit/poop again. Not fun. What's up with you guys? I'm hoping to get started on what I'm going to do for Thanksgiving dinner. We're going to the Buffalo that day so I need to fix something ahead of time that I can travel with. Any suggestions?
Monday, November 17, 2008
Weekend recap
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
A funny
So yesterday after I posted my turkey story I go watch TV and there's a new AT&T commercial about the guy who didn't get the message to thaw the turkey before putting it in the turkey fryer or it would explode. Who knew?
Monday, November 10, 2008
Turkey recipe anyone?
I'm not sure if I'm looking for a turkey recipe or just your funniest thanksgiving story ever to make me feel better. For the last twenty years I have never had a thanksgiving that I don't think of my friend Kari. Most of you know that Kari passed away this summer and I can't stop thinking of her since. She was one of my best friends since we graduated high school. And the funny memories we shared is what made her so special. This is one of them.
Kari and I were living together, she was trying to get back on her feet from a horse accident and I was in nursing school. We obviously had no money between us. So for thanksgiving someone Kari was training gave her a turkey. Since Kari and I were so poor we decided to cook this turkey ourselves for thanksgiving that year. Kari had a lot less experience in the kitchen than I did so she let me handle the turkey. I read the directions and heated up the oven. We put that turkey in and knew it was going to be while before it was ready. The afternoon went on and before we knew it some friends invited us out that night. We did think to turn off the oven, but decided we would take it out when we came home. It was a LATE night to say the least and the next day came and went and the next. Neither of us remembered the turkey. And I didn't read the directions very well when cooking it. About the third or fourth day after all this Kari came home and the entire house smelled like rotten eggs. We searched high and low and finally Kari opened the oven. The turkey had exploded. When you partially cook something with 'innards' and it goes 3-4 days at room temperature it will explode. And stink. That is how I earned the title 'The Turkey Cooker' to each and every person who met me through Kari after that incident. Kari got married in November several years after this happened and I was the bridesmaid that 'cooked the turkey'. I miss my friend, even if we only occasionally talked since we got married and had kids. But there will never be a thanksgiving I don't think of Kari and how she told everyone that story. So since she's not here I thought I might pick that duty up now, even if it's embarrassing myself. So what's your funniest thanksgiving story? Anyone else make a turkey explode?
Kari and I were living together, she was trying to get back on her feet from a horse accident and I was in nursing school. We obviously had no money between us. So for thanksgiving someone Kari was training gave her a turkey. Since Kari and I were so poor we decided to cook this turkey ourselves for thanksgiving that year. Kari had a lot less experience in the kitchen than I did so she let me handle the turkey. I read the directions and heated up the oven. We put that turkey in and knew it was going to be while before it was ready. The afternoon went on and before we knew it some friends invited us out that night. We did think to turn off the oven, but decided we would take it out when we came home. It was a LATE night to say the least and the next day came and went and the next. Neither of us remembered the turkey. And I didn't read the directions very well when cooking it. About the third or fourth day after all this Kari came home and the entire house smelled like rotten eggs. We searched high and low and finally Kari opened the oven. The turkey had exploded. When you partially cook something with 'innards' and it goes 3-4 days at room temperature it will explode. And stink. That is how I earned the title 'The Turkey Cooker' to each and every person who met me through Kari after that incident. Kari got married in November several years after this happened and I was the bridesmaid that 'cooked the turkey'. I miss my friend, even if we only occasionally talked since we got married and had kids. But there will never be a thanksgiving I don't think of Kari and how she told everyone that story. So since she's not here I thought I might pick that duty up now, even if it's embarrassing myself. So what's your funniest thanksgiving story? Anyone else make a turkey explode?
Monday, November 3, 2008
Funny Face
Friday, October 31, 2008
Happy Halloween!
Happy Halloween. I really look forward to the neighborhood party tonight. Cookouts and hayrides and kids galore. Lovin it.
Happy Birthday to Beth! I can't believe she is 20!!! No way!
Congratulations Mel on finishing the first week of training. It sucks but will get better, I promise! Have a great weekend everyone!
Happy Birthday to Beth! I can't believe she is 20!!! No way!
Congratulations Mel on finishing the first week of training. It sucks but will get better, I promise! Have a great weekend everyone!
Sunday, October 26, 2008
I'm with you!
Okay, Mel. I'm joining you. I know you will personally come over and slap me if I say I'm "fat" but I now officially weigh 30 lbs more than I did last year at this time. I just admitted it and that feels better already. I still walk/run 3-4 times a week. But only a couple of miles. A year ago I would RUN 4-5 miles almost everyday. And of course (cough) some eating and drinking habits have gotten out of control. I have run the LR half-marathon 3 times under 2 hours and by god I will do it again! Thanks for the inspiration to completely embarrass myself on my blog. You rock Mel.
Crazy Casey
Today is Casey's last game. She swears she doesn't want to play anymore soccer and that breaks my heart. Maybe she'll change her mind. I took this picture at yesterday's game. I think it shows how fearless she is. She gets right in there and plays so good. I hope after a break she'll stay in the game. 

Monday, October 20, 2008
Friday, October 17, 2008
Weekend plans
We're headed in for another fun filled weekend of kid activities. What are you doing? We hope to squeeze the Fair in sometime between Casey's camping trip, Connor's birthday party and then Cotillion, and the air show that Blake is taking his buggy to. And sometime in there I hope to squeeze in working out and cleaning up this place. Casey will be 9 on Monday (wow) and we have her party next week as well. I'm just glad she has no soccer practice or game this weekend (we needed a break from getting our butts stomped). Have a great weekend!
Monday, October 13, 2008
Hey, I'm back!

I know I have been lazzzy posting lately. There's been a lot going on. Sortof. For starters Casey got glasses. Yeah, this time the teacher was right when she said she couldn't see the board. The awesome Mom I am has a picture of the glasses but not one with Casey in them. She is very nearsighted and has to wear them pretty much all the time. I think she was inspired a little by Mel when she picked these glasses out! I guess then we've just been busy with soccer (no wins yet) and other stuff going on. Casey will be 9 next monday, getting ready for that is chore enough since we're doing a costume party here for all the little girls in her class. Can't wait.
Monday, September 29, 2008

So Dad and Karon got married this weekend and it went really well. Yes, there was some dancing and plenty drinking going on. Stinkydog described Dad's dancing to a tee. I went through my pictures hoping I caught a good one but only found this one. It's Connor doing some sort of robotic dance thing but you can see Dad behind him looking like he's all bowed up ready to slap someone but he's actually dancing. It was fun. From what I remember. JK.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Happy Anniversary!
Happy anniversary to Blake. 17 years! Wow! What's in store for the next 17? Love you!!
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Just when I thought it was over
I have missed certain things about having 'little' kids. Like hours in the park, kiddie pools that didn't require cleaning or funny little kid movies that I didn't have to explain some of the language or why grandpa was laying on the babysitter. Then there are the things I'm very happy to have been done with. Chuck E Cheese for one. But now there's Playtime Pizza. It's Chuck E Cheese on steroids or even better...crack. It's hell on earth is what it is and yes it costs a freakin' fortune. They don't tell you on the website or when you get there that it is required to buy the buffet to enter. So basically there's an entry fee, $9 adults and $7 for kids under 11. And then you have to put money on a card that looks like an ATM card for them to run around and spend in ten minutes. The kids love it. Fun. Lots of fun......just wait Stinkydog. Your time is coming!!
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
No reason

Came home today and BOTH the dogs were chewing on the fence. Okay, not just nawing at the ends. Ripping the boards off is more like it. Can't seem to figure out why. Just doin it. And when screamed at they wagged their tails more. Not. Cute. Sorry Wilson. But I must add that Coco was at it too. They must have pica. Some sort of wood deficiency maybe. I would provide picture but this happened minutes before Doggie Daddy got home and nailed them back up. Very unhappy I might add. No time for pics. Poor Wilson, this does nothing to convince Doggie Daddy you really really need to stay.
In his defense I came home today and COCO was the only dog chewing on the fence. Here's your picture.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Wilson meets his Daddy
Okay, not his dog daddy. But Blake can make the exact face of Wilson with his eyes bulging out and his tongue hanging out. I swear. Hopefully there will be picture evidence by the weekend. I'm not kidding, they look EXACTLY alike.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
It's been a crazy day getting the kids registered for camp this morning. Yeah, I said crazy because it took almost 2 hours since the computers were so slow from everyone else in the country trying to get in there too. I guess it's worth it if your going to the neatest place on earth!
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Weekend Update

So Casey kicked some a@* as goalie this weekend. She did great, I wish I could say the same for the rest of the team. The other girls played like they had lead in their shoes and were scared of the other team. They were a head taller than us. I can honestly say our first game is never our best. I put a picture of her after the game in the goalie jersey. The score was either 8 v 5 or 8 v 6, only two went by Casey. The rest went by the other goalie. Oh well.
Next Connor geared up for Cotillion by learning to tie his own tie. Picture is too cute! Next he went with the other Holy Souls boys and we got a great shot of them lined up in the front yard. Connor is the first one the left.
Friday, September 5, 2008
Weekend plans?
Whatcha doin this weekend? Oh, me? Hopefully sitting around on my lazy ass doing nothing. But sadly I know that's not the case. We're already starting out tonight with going to a surprise party for one of Connor's classmates. Get this. Hummer Limo for 2 hours for 15 kids ages 11 and 12. I got better shit to do with my money, but I'm sure the kids will love it. Then Casey has her first soccer game in the morning. She's been groomed for goalie. Cross your fingers, I just think her foot action is too good not to be on the field. Then we have another party tomorrow afternoon for Casey's friend. And sometime tomorrow I need to get Connor's shoes because tomorrow night is the first night of Cotillion!!!!! EEeeee! I can't wait to see him dressed up and wish I could be a fly on the wall the first time he has to dance with a girl!! Come Sunday I'm hoping the laundry fairy will come and do the 15 loads that are needing to be done. And surely the stick fairy will come and gather the 19 million sticks that are in my yard after the last two days of high winds and storms. If they don't I'll be forced to get off my lazy ass and do it.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Happy Birthday
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Wilson: Day two
He is sooooooo freakin cute. He loves me and only me. He won't take his medicine for anyone but me. Kinda funny. And he favors 'females' overall (me, Casey, Mom, neighbors that are women) so some part of me thinks some woman had him and something happened to her. Personally (not prejudiced) women think of more details....LIKE PUTTING A FREAKIN TAG ON THE COLLAR WITH A NAME AND NUMBER. I mean, just sayin'. So anyhoo, he's one cutie-pa-tootie.
what I wasn't planning this weekend
Taking my Mother in law to the ER at 4 a.m. with severe abdominal pain, nausea, and vomiting. Woohoo, not fun. Now I must try to clean up for parties. Never mind me if I'm sleeping in a corner tomorrow about this time. Oh, and mother in law is okay, nothing a little emergency appendectomy won't fix. Aren't those for 8 year olds?
Friday, August 29, 2008
Weekend Plans?
What's up with you this weekend? We're kinda busy, but not really going anywhere. Tomorrow is hangout and cleanup day. We're havin' my 'Old school swim party' as Fishdog is calling it here on Sunday. Then my niece turns 6 next week so we're having her birthday party here on Monday. Have a good one!!
Day one with Wilson
This dog was very well trained by someone. I can't believe there's not an APB out for him. He understands every command. He crates well (although he doesn't go in there on his own yet) and doesn't howl when he's in the crate or left alone. He loves to put his head in your lap. I haven't noticed anything chewed up yet. He hasn't had an accident in the house. He's great on a leash. And he eats good. What's not to love about Wilson?
Thursday, August 28, 2008

Okay, it wasn't Stinkydog's picture of this little cutie that got me hooked. It might have been this one or the fact that he looks a lot like Georgia. He's a doll, a little fat, but we can fix that. He loves Coco and just went for his first walk down the street with the kids and I to see how he would fair on a leash. He did well, shedding the extra pounds shouldn't be difficult. He ate all his dinner and so far hasn't taken a shit in the house. What a good boy Wilson!!!!
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Cleaning Mystery

How can you get your toilets sparkly clean and never even touch a bottle of toilet cleaner, use a toilet brush, or a special little cleaning tablet you leave in the tank? How can this be possible?
I'm not sure either but my sweet little group of mexican cleaning girls (who don't speak english) manage to do it every two weeks. I'd ask them, but they can't understand me. I came home today and all the toilet brushes were dry and I still have the same container of toilet bowl cleaner that I had when they started a year ago. I've been on to this little mystery for quite a while and can't figure out how they do it. And believe me, I've checked our toothbrushes before. I'm not complaining. I just want to know how it's done. Because it bugs me that I don't know how they're doing it. Any ideas?
Monday, August 18, 2008
A couple of interesting things happened today. First I sent my son to school not realizing he was starting 'junior high'. Wow. You guys know he goes to private school and they have different separation for age groups than public school. But in all reality he just started junior high. Wow. Then I went to Academy sports, and umm, let's say someone wasn't feeling well in the bathroom (not me) and I slipped coming out of the bathroom and busted my F@*!# knee. Yeah, it really is sore. More on that later.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Monday, August 11, 2008
Phelps Phan

Mel had a good point over at fictionistas today. I agree, but when Casey came downstairs decorated like this we just had to watch our man pull in the gold for the USA! I do not agree with the Chinese government on a lot of things but we have chosen to watch our team and cheer them on.
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Beach recap

Day one- overcast but all day in the ocean we go. Kids had fun.
Day two- more sunny but the jellyfish came out of nowhere, we counted around 49 or so.
Day three- Connor meets 2 chicks that have a crush on him, we took them crabhunting with us.
Day four-day at the beach watching 2 chicks coo over Connor all day. Heh.
Day five- Chicks have to go home (thank God). Back to being by ourselves. Great day hunting shells.
Day six-last day, kids restless and sick of each other. Dolphin ride. pack up to leave in the morning.
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Friday, August 1, 2008
We be beaching this week! Blake, the kids, and I leave Sunday for the beach. I am soooo looking forward to sleeping in, hanging out on the beach, reading, and havin' a cold one anytime I want.
See ya'll next week.
See ya'll next week.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Happy Birthday Stinkydog!
Lee's birthday is today. I get to say were only ONE year apart for the next 48 days. Don't ask me why that thrills me so much.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
It's not raining here!

Imagine MY surprise when I opened the door to let Coco out this morning and saw this! Yeah, the main water line on the street broke and flooded everything. My neighbor couldn't even see her pool. Luckily our deck, pool, and house were high enough that we didn't get any damage. But the yard is full of rocks and the entire neighborhoods mulch. So, guess we won't have to water the grass tonight.
Monday, July 28, 2008
Brace yourself Stinkydog. This post is #100 for me! Woo hoo! I know it's not very exciting since Lee just recently celebrated 1000. BUT I have a lot to do. A lotta nothin'. Ha. Actually, I have nothing to post today. The kids and I survived last week in Branson, barely. I will spare you the details because my voice escalates and I begin to shake as I describe what we had to go through. I will simply say that I will never take part in any trip or event that requires me to be around anyone else's children, but my own, for more than 24hours. It's just safer that way. You know so you keep your own sanity and all. Not all kids are bad though, I took my niece to Austin last year and she was very helpful and actually fun, once she talked. It's funny how we don't really know our own families until we get stuck in a car for 8 hours with them or are forced to stay in a room with them for 3 days. As much as I love my family I am happy that we are going to the beach next week, alone. I can't wait too, it's been 3 years since we went to the beach. I need a good book to read while I'm there. Any suggestions?
Sunday, July 20, 2008
The week ahead
This is where you will find me and the kids all week. Leaving in the morning. I'm actually going to take Blake's laptop and maybe can post a few of my own scenic pictures! Ha!
Friday, July 18, 2008
Remember the Gong Show?
This is not the Gong Show I remembered. In fact, my first clue to turn it off should have been when they announced Andy Dick as a judge. Needless to say my poor children didn't get to watch past the first act, "The Trash Band" who sang (in plain english so you could understand every word!) the words to Lollipop by Lil' Wayne in a hairband rock style. Uhmmmm, yeah Connor was on the edge of his seat and oops Mom accidently dropped the remote changing the channel.
Sunday, July 13, 2008
I am a dog.
I am not a frog.
I fetch the ball for you.
I really do.
I eat dog food.
But I really like shoes.
I really like to play outside.
While you are inside.
When it's sunny or rainy it's really a pain.
And that is how dogs do their own thing.
By: Casey Epps and Olivia Keith
I am not a frog.
I fetch the ball for you.
I really do.
I eat dog food.
But I really like shoes.
I really like to play outside.
While you are inside.
When it's sunny or rainy it's really a pain.
And that is how dogs do their own thing.
By: Casey Epps and Olivia Keith
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Finally Friday!
Whew. It's finally Friday. What's up this weekend? Where are you going? Or are you just gonna chill after the long holiday weekend? We have no special plans. I think I'm supposed to work one day but can't remember when. I'm pretty sure Casey's last swim meet is Saturday, but not real sure. I guess I might mow the grass or clean up the backyard, I'm not certain if I did it last week or not. I suppose I will workout at some point, if I'm not too tired trying to remember the rest of the crap I was supposed to do this last week or coming up week. Who knows? Have a good weekend!
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
My camp is bigger than your camp
Conversation today at lunch between Connor and his cousin (remember Connor goes to camp at Winnamocka and cousin goes to Brookhill).
Connor: We get to have burgers and bbq and pizza at camp
cousin: We get to eat anything we want when we want
Connor: we get ice cream sundaes after dinner almost every night
cousin: we get 5 ice cream sandwiches for lunch
Connor: We have computer geek named Dex that can answer any question
cousin: we have laptops on every bunk in our cabins
Connor: we get root beer at the western dance
cousin: we get sodas at every meal
Connor: we get to stay up until 10 or 11 every night
cousin: we stay up all night long every night until the sun comes up
Connor: our bunks are air conditioned
cousin: (pause) we have fans that attach to every bunk
BURN!!! I had to laugh at the last one. I guess the poor thing ran out of all 'the one ups' he could think of. And for the record, everything Connor said was true.
Connor: We get to have burgers and bbq and pizza at camp
cousin: We get to eat anything we want when we want
Connor: we get ice cream sundaes after dinner almost every night
cousin: we get 5 ice cream sandwiches for lunch
Connor: We have computer geek named Dex that can answer any question
cousin: we have laptops on every bunk in our cabins
Connor: we get root beer at the western dance
cousin: we get sodas at every meal
Connor: we get to stay up until 10 or 11 every night
cousin: we stay up all night long every night until the sun comes up
Connor: our bunks are air conditioned
cousin: (pause) we have fans that attach to every bunk
BURN!!! I had to laugh at the last one. I guess the poor thing ran out of all 'the one ups' he could think of. And for the record, everything Connor said was true.
Monday, July 7, 2008
McGyver to the rescue

Okay, this is funny. We went to Boxley this weekend. We did our usual. Hangout. Drink Beer. Cookout. Hike. Well, we head down to Lost Valley to do the trail. We just arrived when I went to the restroom. I heard someone jiggling the mens room door. I kinda heard him talking. So I went off to the girls room and when I came out he was still jiggling this door. Connor and I stopped and listened. I realized he was making a fuss about something and was getting pretty aggressive jiggling this door. I asked him to stop and I would get my husband, aka 'McGyver' to help him. Blake comes over and looks at the door. It obviously has been written on and says 'door does not lock'. The person inside locked the deadbolt. The key had been broken off in the deadbolt on the outside. There was no way out. EXCEPT Mcgyver thought he had tools in the truck and got a screwdriver and wrench and started hammering out the pins on the opposite side of the door. Unlike Stinkydog's experience with this he only got a couple of nicks. The funny thing about this story, this was a boyscout troop! Not only were they boyscouts but they didn't even know one of their own was missing. They were all in the pavilion in the background having a picnic. And they had no tools with them. BUT, the leader did have a camera and filmed Blake taking the door off. Guess we should not show that to the park rangers! Here's proof my husband is McGyver.
Sunday, July 6, 2008
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