Okay, this is funny. We went to Boxley this weekend. We did our usual. Hangout. Drink Beer. Cookout. Hike. Well, we head down to Lost Valley to do the trail. We just arrived when I went to the restroom. I heard someone jiggling the mens room door. I kinda heard him talking. So I went off to the girls room and when I came out he was still jiggling this door. Connor and I stopped and listened. I realized he was making a fuss about something and was getting pretty aggressive jiggling this door. I asked him to stop and I would get my husband, aka 'McGyver' to help him. Blake comes over and looks at the door. It obviously has been written on and says 'door does not lock'. The person inside locked the deadbolt. The key had been broken off in the deadbolt on the outside. There was no way out. EXCEPT Mcgyver thought he had tools in the truck and got a screwdriver and wrench and started hammering out the pins on the opposite side of the door. Unlike Stinkydog's experience with this he only got a couple of nicks. The funny thing about this story, this was a boyscout troop! Not only were they boyscouts but they didn't even know one of their own was missing. They were all in the pavilion in the background having a picnic. And they had no tools with them. BUT, the leader did have a camera and filmed Blake taking the door off. Guess we should not show that to the park rangers! Here's proof my husband is McGyver.
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