So here you go, new pictures of the shop puppies. The solid black one is the only girl. She has white on her back feet. She is also the smallest. The one with the white on his chin is the middle size one and has a short white strip on the back of his neck. The one with pink on his nose is the brute. He's almost twice the size of the girl and has no markings, his color is kinda brown underneath with black tips on his hair. Their about ten days old. They opened their eyes this morning although you can't tell much in the pictures. The kids and I want to name them but Blake keeps saying not to. Since they live at the motor shop I thought Connor's idea of naming them Napa, Jegs, and O'Reilly was the best!
Cute names, but please don't name the girl Jeggs.
hers would be O'Reilly. the lazy one would be jegs!
uh, those are going to be huge. At least that last one is. He's a chunk. Why don't you name the girlie Danica (after the race car driver?)
That's cute. We could name the others after other race car drivers too. Danica, AJ, and Mario? And yeah the last one is twice the size of the girl.
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