Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Okay, because I'm too embarressed to buy Enquirer or US Weekly at the grocery store I log onto this site at least once a day. I know, I know. But at least most of it is true! Right?
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Puppies:week 3

Aren't they cute? I can't get a good picture because every time Delta runs off they scamper around looking for something to eat. And then Delta keeps jumping on you looking for attention. The big boy is getting more white underneath. The other boy is getting more brown all over. The girl is the one to the right and still solid black.
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Casey and Olivia
Weekend recap
Friday, April 25, 2008
Whatcha got planned this weekend? Me? Work saturday, 2 soccer games, yardwork. Casey first communion sunday, more yardwork.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Monday, April 21, 2008
Puppy Update

So here you go, new pictures of the shop puppies. The solid black one is the only girl. She has white on her back feet. She is also the smallest. The one with the white on his chin is the middle size one and has a short white strip on the back of his neck. The one with pink on his nose is the brute. He's almost twice the size of the girl and has no markings, his color is kinda brown underneath with black tips on his hair. Their about ten days old. They opened their eyes this morning although you can't tell much in the pictures. The kids and I want to name them but Blake keeps saying not to. Since they live at the motor shop I thought Connor's idea of naming them Napa, Jegs, and O'Reilly was the best!
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Note to sister
When Connor was little we would be going somewhere and out of the blue I used to tell him I loved him. He always said it back. Before long he started to add "I love you more". I would shoot back with "I love you plus one hundred". Of course, he caught on and the number always grew and grew. One day he said to me "I love you plus infinity". Wha? I wasn't sure how to respond, but this is how we always ended it. "I love you infinity plus one". So in case you hadn't heard it lately. Kate- "I love you infinity plus one".
Monday, April 14, 2008
The newest Apple

Have you seen the latest in laptops? I found this one in my daughters backpack today. Isn't it great? Casey has always had a great imagination. When she wants something and doesn't get it she's good at making it or pretending. Much like we used to do before nintendo, playstation, or Wii was invented. Casey can draw and color to no end. When I pulled this out this morning it made us all laugh. Oh, and you can have yours custom colored for a small fee of $1, shipping and handling extra. Colors vary depending on what crayons she has left in her bag. Allow one week for delivery! LOL!
Thursday, April 10, 2008

No you are not reading Stinkydog's blog. It's mine. Remember Delta? The dog Blake's shop took in. They actually have really taken good care of her, EXCEPT all those men forgot to get her spade. Hmm. Well, Delta was getting a little chunky. We didn't think she was due for a couple of more weeks. Wrong. She had 2 boys and 1 girl this morning. Momma and babies are doing fine. Anyone want a mutt?
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
cough hack sneeze wheeze
That's the sounds around house today. Casey has rubbed her eyes for a week now, I don't know if she has any eyelashes left. Connor coughed so much yesterday he barfed all night. I have sneezed today to the point my nose is raw. And please don't ask if we've taken anything. We have kept Zyrtec and Claritin top of the stock market this week! Ughhhh!!! Please let the rain wash it all away! Cough hack sneeze wheeze.
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