Friday, December 17, 2010

Gift Giving

All this shopping is driving me nuts. And none of it means as much to me as what my coworkers and I did this year for a coworkers daughter. This daughter is very young and was diagnosed with breast cancer earlier this year and nothing has gone right. NOTHING. She is still hanging on but has lost her job and is still facing more surgery. So this year, instead of gift giving to each other we pooled our money and sent it to her daughter. We recieved a letter of thanks yesterday from her daughter. It will bring you to tears when you read how her youngest son will still be able to 'believe' in Santa one more year. She had already told him that Santa may not come (because she couldn't afford the gifts -a bike- that he wanted). But now, she can buy him the bike and she is certain he will still believe. Who knows if she will be here next year, so it was a great feeling that we were a part of a very special Christmas for them. Now that is what Christmas is all about. :)

1 comment:

Older not wiser said...

Sniff...Hope that things start to turn around for her.