It's done, Christmas is over. I can't believe my family managed to wrap it up in a just a few short days. That was awesome. Normally, Christmas is a 5-6 day ordeal spread out between going to in-laws and seperate parents, and other extended family celebrations. But this year was easy, a quick trip to the in laws on Friday night, and all day quiet and untraditional affair at our house Saturday, and a combined parent celebration Sunday. It was a good Christmas for all. And lots of mexican food for all. I thought I would never say this, but I don't want to look at mexican again for at least a week. We had mexican with the in laws Friday and then my Mom had a nice (mexican) lady make homemade tamales for our lunch Sunday. I still want to shout out random spanish terms for no reason, and take more tums.
Which all that food made me want to jump back into the training for the 1/2 marathon (thanks Karon for asking about it after I scarfed down my 4th tamale!). So I did, up and ran or almost ran all 3 1/2 miles today at lunch. So I'm back into it. Going to do it again tomorrow. Hope y'all's was a good one!!!
Monday, December 27, 2010
Friday, December 17, 2010
Gift Giving
All this shopping is driving me nuts. And none of it means as much to me as what my coworkers and I did this year for a coworkers daughter. This daughter is very young and was diagnosed with breast cancer earlier this year and nothing has gone right. NOTHING. She is still hanging on but has lost her job and is still facing more surgery. So this year, instead of gift giving to each other we pooled our money and sent it to her daughter. We recieved a letter of thanks yesterday from her daughter. It will bring you to tears when you read how her youngest son will still be able to 'believe' in Santa one more year. She had already told him that Santa may not come (because she couldn't afford the gifts -a bike- that he wanted). But now, she can buy him the bike and she is certain he will still believe. Who knows if she will be here next year, so it was a great feeling that we were a part of a very special Christmas for them. Now that is what Christmas is all about. :)
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
11 days??
Somehow Christmas has snuck up on me. 11 days, srsly?? I guess I need to get my stuff done!! I am actually excited this year that we won't be running all over creation. We don't have plans yet with Blake's family, but I am sure it will be low key. Then Mom and Dad have again combined our family Christmas, which makes it crazy insane when the gifts start to get opened but so much fun. And that's about it, no real plans for travel or anything else. Probably just a lot of sleeping in and trying to stay warm.
Update on the 1/2 marathon training. A slow week to work-out. I've been working extra at Children's and my partners in crime haven't been able to meet over here. I did the treadmill Sunday, but not very far. I am hoping to squeeze in some time at the gym tomorrow and Friday. Wish me luck, regardless if I have to be carried across the finish line I will be doing this race!!!
Update on the 1/2 marathon training. A slow week to work-out. I've been working extra at Children's and my partners in crime haven't been able to meet over here. I did the treadmill Sunday, but not very far. I am hoping to squeeze in some time at the gym tomorrow and Friday. Wish me luck, regardless if I have to be carried across the finish line I will be doing this race!!!
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
No thanks..
So we were going to walk outside today as part of our half-marathon training. It's 25 stinking degrees outside. Give the eskimo's my regards, but this girl will be inside on the treadmill.
Monday, December 6, 2010
I just can't into the 'spirit' of Christmas just yet. I forced myself to do some shopping Friday, I got my Christmas cards done and addressed Saturday, and the tree up yesterday (don't ask if it's all decorated). But the motivation comes solely because there are kids present here. I don't want to run around and not be able to get them what they want by waiting till the last minute. So if yall know of any magical christmas juice I can drink to make my ass all jolly and bright just let me know.
Also, the update on training is this. Spent and hour at the gym yesterday. Completed 4 miles in 57:15. I think I can pull this off. I am taking today off but only cuz Melf and Lohan are coming to walk with me tomorrow.
Also, the update on training is this. Spent and hour at the gym yesterday. Completed 4 miles in 57:15. I think I can pull this off. I am taking today off but only cuz Melf and Lohan are coming to walk with me tomorrow.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Half-Marathon here I come
It's true. If you saw Mel's blog she named me as one of the followers that signed up to do the half marathon with her. I don't think I will be able to run the whole thing, but walking it is very realistic. I have had to put aside my hopes of beating my past time of 1:49 for all 13.1 miles. I think the fact that I signed up and know that I will be participating is exciting enough. Maybe next year I will be able to run it. So wish me luck. Stay tuned for more posts on our progress. We are Team Melf and I am looking for a spiffy t-shirt design if anyone has suggestions...:)
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Nacho Daddy
So Connor is in ATL this week at Camp Jam. Great place and hopefully the best experience ever for him. Blake's cousin Christian lives there and told us about this place. They get there and tryout, get put in a 'band', get 4 hours of instructional music a day, and then perform a concert on Friday night. So far Connor has got to meet the drummer for Billy Joel's band, and he signed his guitar case. Then he got to listen to the vocalist for the Saturday Night Live band. Not bad for a 13 year old!! Tomorrow night is his concert and his group is performing 'Hit me with your best shot" by Pat Benatar. Fun fun!! Oh, and his group is called Nacho Daddy. I have already made t shirts.
Monday, May 10, 2010
My Mothers Day Poem
Rici wrote this in my Mothers Day card:
How do you find the energy,
To do all the things you did,
To be the teacher, nurse, and counselor
in the year I was your kid
How did you do it all,
Be a chauffeur, cook, and friend,
Yet find time to be a playmate,
I just can't comprehend.
I see now it was love and greatness,
That made you help whenever I'd call,
Your inexhaustible greatness
And I thank you for it all.
How do you find the energy,
To do all the things you did,
To be the teacher, nurse, and counselor
in the year I was your kid
How did you do it all,
Be a chauffeur, cook, and friend,
Yet find time to be a playmate,
I just can't comprehend.
I see now it was love and greatness,
That made you help whenever I'd call,
Your inexhaustible greatness
And I thank you for it all.
Friday, May 7, 2010
Mom's day
Happy Mothers Day to all my friends and family that are Mom's and someday will be Mom's. This day is just for you so take it and run with it. Me? I will be running from soccer field to soccer field in Memphis watching Casey play soccer, but that will make me happy. She loves to play and I love to watch her be happy. So here's to all you Mom's, have a great day and do what makes you happy. Even if that means leaving the family at home and doing something crazy. heeheee! Can't wait to hear what happens with that one!!!
Monday, April 26, 2010
I'm not old enough for this...
Monday, April 12, 2010
I know your shocked that I'm posting, right?!?!?! We had a great weekend, a lot of sunshine, soccer, and clowning around. Haha! The pictures are of fearless Casey. She loved the Shriner clowns at the circus on Saturday. And her normal routine of playing girls 2 feet taller than her went as usual. They lost thier first game but tied the second one. Connor hung out. Not much to report there. Rici worked more on driving lessons and the weekend was a total success when she purchased her prom dress! Yay! I'll try not to be so much of a stranger around these here blogging parts of the computer. 
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Biggest Loser
So who watched it? Who's your fav? Who is the most obnoxious? There are a few of the women that seemed pretty strange, I'll have to watch it next week to make my determination of the most obnoxious. However, curly headed dude with his mom are pretty weird. Kinda like they want to be the next Danny and his mom. I think my favorite so far is the heaviest guy, 526 pounds! Wow.
I did manage to watch The Bachelor on Monday, Mel's blog was more descriptive of the bimbo's on that show. I think it has hit an all time low on gathering up the most desperate, skanky, mindless women on the planet to fight their way to love with a guy who can't honestly make a whole sentence by himself. It's actually going to be pretty amusing. Any other good or not so good shows we should be watching??
I did manage to watch The Bachelor on Monday, Mel's blog was more descriptive of the bimbo's on that show. I think it has hit an all time low on gathering up the most desperate, skanky, mindless women on the planet to fight their way to love with a guy who can't honestly make a whole sentence by himself. It's actually going to be pretty amusing. Any other good or not so good shows we should be watching??
Friday, January 1, 2010
Happy New Year everyone, well, all 3 of you that might still read my blog. Haha, I have gotten way lazy posting and I know it. Having our 'third' child is definitely more of a challenge when it comes to keeping it all together!!
This last year was a good year, I can't put a finger on anything that made it bad. Several really good things happened, and I hope they stay that way. Of course we welcomed Mr. Hop, the Hopster, or HipHop into the world in March. I wish he was 8 minutes away instead of 8 hours. Next, I can honestly say getting to know family that has been there for years, but never really knew, has been a great experience. Christian (Aunt Christian) is Blake's cousin that we have known for years but never really kept in close contact has become a really good friend to me and wonderful asset in the kids lives. Just a chance thing Connor went and saw her last Christmas with Pop and ever since it's been great. They love her so much, and since we brought Rici into our lives she has treated her like our own as well! Thanks Christian. You guys rock! Then, we welcomed Rici into our home in late August. Thanks to me n Mel hangin' out poolside when I got an email from Casey's swimteam coach. Apparently there is someone on the team connected with CCI, the organization we got Rici from. After looking at her profile for several hours I pursued taking the chance to get her placed in our home. She arrived August 22, 2009. It has been a great experience. Seriously, I know some kids are horrible that come over here but she must come from a great family that has raised her right. She has taught ALL of us things she will never know, but mostly we have been honored to show her how we live and what the great USA is all about. We rang in the new year last night. I felt bad we didn't have a 'traditional' party, but we took Rici on a new adventure. Rolling houses. Yep. Her Mom thinks everyone does this in America and the whole country is covered in toilet paper right now. Hmm, yeah, white lie on Rici's part. But pranking is totally USA stuff, right guys?? Here's some pics for your enjoyment. Happy 2010. I did not set any new goals or 'resolutions' this year. Did you??
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