Monday, November 23, 2009
Happy Turkey Day
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Halloween costumes
What are your Halloween plans? We'll be busy running up and down our street as usual. Connor has cotillion and we are co hosting the hayride for his group before it starts. Casey is going to be busy being the Kandy Korn witch. Rici is going as a Greek goddess. I'm the queen bee, Wilson is my little Bee and Coco is going to hangout and be a dog.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
I bet you guys thought I was done with this thing?!?! Almost, just too much going on all the time. Ya'll know Casey turned 10 this month. We all survived my b-day party, and soccer pretty much rules any sortof schedule we may have going on. Thanks tho for keeping my updated on your end of the world!! Hopefully we look to slow down here shortly, but I'm sure that's going to trigger the holiday rush and all. Wow. Holidays. Right around the corner!
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
My children are missing.
Alert, if anyone has seen the real Connor and Casey would you please send them home? Since Rici (pronounced RICKY) arrived I have two aliens posing to be my children. First, the faux Connor talked in his manly voice for the first 12 hours he was around her. I think his throat start to hurt so it's only kinda manly right now. And then this faux Connor apologized for his sloppy handwriting when he was showing her some of his school work. See, this is how I know they aren't my children, Connor has for 12 years informed me that his handwriting doesn't suck. Yes it does son. And of all things, he has picked his room up almost daily.....without me asking. What tha? So then Casey, or the faux Casey, gets home from Memphis this weekend and meets Rici. She isn't so bad but I have to say that when she kept refilling Rici's water at the dinner table last night was a little strange (of course she was ignoring the rest of us). And I have been replaced by Rici to get weekly massages and pedicures. Which frankly, the coconut lotion Casey is using for massages was getting on my nerves. Hehe. This faux Casey also wanted to pass up a birthday party to spend more time at home. A birthday party? Where they will serve cake and stay up all night? Gasp. So it may be my real daughter here because she did decide to attend the birthday party. I may keep this faux Casey but if any of you see the real Connor Epps, send him home. I miss my messy, goofy son.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
24 Days...
So since the rest of you are NOT participating in the '40 at 40' idea I thought I would share this one. Christian asked me today that since it's 24 days until my birthday to tell her about a time I stayed up for 24 hours or more. Honestly, even in my wildest days (and yes, there were plenty) I can't say I stayed up for 24 hours. Ummmm, maybe 22 but always got 2 hours of sleep before the next round of partying began. So do you know the time I can honestly say I was awake for 24 hours??? The birth of my son. I remember I was on call in cath lab and had gone in early that morning (it was a Sunday) and worked until my back started hurting me. I was tired so my friend took my call for me (her Mom was here helping paint my nursery) and I went home. Skipped a birthday party for a friend and tried to rest. Between going to the hot tub and back rubs I got NOOOO relief. I called Labor and Delivery asking if they could give me something for gas pains. They said, 'Sure, come on in!'. I realize now they must have been laughing their asses off because they do not administer pain medicine for gas. So Blake and I went in to get pain medicine. They said they need to check me to make sure everything was okay. I gladly agreed thinking my gas pain was an inch away from being gone. They checked and said they were going to give me some pain relief. In the form of an epidural. I was ready to deliver even though Connor wasn't due for another 3-4 weeks. So the epidural went in and 10 hours later Connor was here. Between the visitors and feedings I did not go to sleep until 7 or so that Monday night. So that is the only time I can honestly say I was awake for more than 24 hours.
Friday, August 21, 2009
28 days.....
Yep, 28 days until the big 4-0. Pop on over to FB and see what Christian is doing to me. She's putting a twist on '40 at 40'. Everyday she gives me something to do that is related to the number of days left before my birthday. For instance, it's 29 days until your birthday you should look up the #1 song the week of your 29th birthday and download it to your i-pod (if you like it). Pretty fun so far. But can she keep it up?? BTW, the song was 'Unpretty' by TLC. I didn't like it so much but the weeks before that year it was 'Genie in a Bottle'. I think I already have that one on my i-pod. BUT, if you can come up with suggestions that I might do when I turn 40 then speak up. Only 28 days.....
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Mia Jr.

We had our first two games yesterday. Playing classic soccer vs. recreational is soooo different. so much better! I got some good shots of Casey. She didn't score, but played pretty good. We won both games 8-0 and 2-1. Did I say that right? About the scores? oh well, enjoy the shots if you haven't already seen them.
Monday, August 10, 2009
40 Days
I noticed today on the calender it's 40 days until my 40th birthday. Hmf. What am I going to do? Should I make a 40 at 40 list? What should I put on it? Can't add anything crazy like 'host an exchange student'. We're already doing that. Hopefully we will finalize today the school situation and get to communicate with Rici. Her real name is Ricarda, but she likes to be called Rici. I would too. I'm not sure of when she will get here either. We'll know that soon too. Anyway, can you think of anything else crazy I should do for my 40th? Or should I just lay low for the next 40?
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Burn Notice
Okay, that was lame. Blake's brother was seriously burnt in an accident on Wednesday. He was working on a generator and it backfired, burning his chest, face, right arm and hand. He will go to surgery tomorrow and then we will know the extent of the damage. In the meantime, keep his children in your prayers. We will keep you updated as we know something.
Friday, July 24, 2009
Leave a message after the beep....
Yep, we're headin' out of town again this weekend. Day after tomorrow, we head out to the beach. My favorite place ever!! I can't wait to sit by the beach, sip beverage, read book, sip more beverages, eat, sip again, take walks on the beach, go crab hunting with the kids, sip more beverages, and sleep. Ahhh, can't wait.
Uh, I'm supposed to host a book signing party when I get back for some chick that likes to hang out at my pool, and get pedi's with me. I wish I had HER book to read at the beach! Hint, hint. :)
Uh, I'm supposed to host a book signing party when I get back for some chick that likes to hang out at my pool, and get pedi's with me. I wish I had HER book to read at the beach! Hint, hint. :)
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
We're back! And pooped!

Hey! We're back and very tired!! A good time was had by all! Christian, Pam, and Jaime went above and beyond showing us around and keeping us busy. We rolled in Thursday evening and got settled. Then Friday Christian and I took the kids to the Aquarium, Coca Cola Museum, and then a Braves game (Braves vs. Mets!). That was particularly cool because Greg Maddux retired his Jersey that night. Then Saturday we got up and headed to the Atlanta Zoo and Cyclorama (don't know what that is? google it.) which was really neat. And Saturday night we hit the Midevil Times Dinner. The boys loved that with all the fighting, and Casey got thrown a flower by our knight so she was smitten with all that. So Sunday we headed out to the ginormous waterpark and hit the rides for several hours before heading back and going to Stonemountain Park that night. Fun place! The picture above of me and the kids is on top of the mountain. We got to ride the skyride up there. That night they had a laserlight show that was cool. We spent the night there and then went to hit some of the park again before we left. The picture of Connor is on the Skyhigh area. It was pretty cool the way they harnessed the kids and had all these rope and board obstacle's to go through. We didn't get to Margaret Mitchell's house or the lake or the Fernbank Museum. The kids are already planning their next trip!
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Up next, Atlanta!!
Okay, I know I'm not much better posting just yet. But hey, I am busy. This weekend me and the kids (plus Peyton) head out to Atlanta to visit Christian. They are soooo pumped about going, and who wouldn't be if they saw the agenda Christian has created for them while they are there? The Aquarium, Coca-Cola Museum, Braves game, Whitewater, Stonemountain Park, Mid-Evil Times dinner, and who knows what else if it can be fit in while we are there? In tribute to good ole Mom we are even going to try and see the Margaret Mitchell House. I will try to post pictures, but most likely will be on FB. See you guys later!
Monday, July 6, 2009
Weekend Update
I was going to start being a lot better about posting and stuff, BUT I became the victim of the 'oh shit, i didn't put the memory card in my camera' club. And what pictures I did have in my phone are already on FB and the ones that aren't became victim of my little sister's deleting talent. So how was your fourth?? I think all of you were here at my house anyway so you don't have to answer if you don't want to.
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Wish me luck....
Yep, yoo hoo, me and the kiddos head out tomorrow to see Auntie Lee and the Hopster. The kids have not met him. Casey-very excited. Connor-wanting to know if Hopper is old enough to play Call of Duty on playstation yet. Out to be fun, especially since we're gonna hit Schlitterbahn all day Saturday! Now, off to pack and find that damned swimsuit that makes me look 10 lbs lighter! HAHAHA!
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Move over Mia Hamm
So it's official that Casey made the LRFC classic soccer team (all-star). It was tough, trying out in front of coaches we never met before and doing drills we've never seen before. Casey is also playing up, she shouldn't have played until next year but they allow so many every year to tryout and play up if they make the cut. She's on the blue team, which is the better team as well! We're not feeling any pressure, nah, none. Bull!!! Actually they don't start until August so we have plenty of time to prepare. Wish us luck!! Gooooo Casey!
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Note to Self
Pay your speeding ticket on time. They really don't care that you were volunteering at your child's school. They've heard it all before and don't believe you.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Wow, I have gotten really lazy posting!! What's up with anyone left that still reads this? Of course we are winding down the school year and gearing up for hopefully a fun summer. I hope I haven't planned too much for the kids. Connor and I are going to the Indy 500 this weekend. Then they have one more week(or half week) left of school. Then we hopefully head out to Austin to see the Hopster the first weekend of June. The kids have their usual week of Camp Winnamocka in June also. Connor has managed to get invited to Branson again this year with his cousin. Sometime in July we hope to hang out and drink cold beverages by the pool before I throw the kids in the car and give Christian a real taste of handling the kids for a few days in Atlanta (Christian, Did I mention I may just drop them off?) hehe. But no summer would be complete if we didn't head down to the beach for some crab-stomping, which is in order for the end of July. Somewhere in the middle of all this Casey is doing swimteam again this year, and she's trying out for classic soccer. If she makes it (big IF) then I have no idea how we're going to do all this. Classic is pretty intense and goes almost all year round. So what's going on with everyone else?
Friday, May 1, 2009
Is that found in the rainforest Mommy?
The fun never ends. The very ignorant me volunteered to drive Casey and classmates on a fieldtrip today. To the zoo, to learn about and pick out animals you would find in a rainforest. Our first sighting was good, Spider Monkeys. Followed by white trash lady running a stroller up a sidewalk. Not bad but her britches were too big and slipped halfway down her crack exposing her 'F@#*' tattoo across her ass along with her string thong. Nice. Look away children. We rounded the corner to find the gorillas. Cute gorilla's, even had a baby one there. So right next door are the chimpanzee's, with Pappa Chimpanzee throwing down on Momma Chimpanzee on the platform front and center. Doggy style. Nice. I didn't know chimpanzee's were so well endowed. Neither did the kids, until now. We're going to Pinnacle Mtn. next time. I'm lookng for someone to volunteer to sunbathe nude or light up a dooby so we can complete this education in it's fullest before we finish THIRD GRADE!!!
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Yeah, so Casey and I went to the dentist today. It's a regular thing, every 6 months- rain or shine! Ha. We really like going to the dentist, we LOVE our dentist. Even though the scraping on my teeth gets to me, I love the feeling afterwards. Casey and I go in for our 3:30 appt. today and this cutie comes from around the corner. I have never seen this girl. Where is my regular hygienist that knows everyone I know and has all the good gossip? Apparently not there today. So I go back to the room and put my little bib on and proceed to let her clean my teeth. It was anything but a cleanin'. She starts scraping and hacking at my gums. This shit HURT! I have never had my gums hurt me like this. I wasn't sure I was gonna have any left. So her hand slips scraping the crap out of my tooth and that sharp thing stabs me in the back of the mouth. Hard. It started bleeding pretty bad. She couldn't apologize enough, but kept on going. Then she started using the flat mirror thing to move my tongue around while she scraped some more. Her gloves were wet with slobber because she would never let me spit and she dropped the mirror into the back of my throat. Barf, or at least I wanted to. It was that feeling when you stick your finger down your throat. I had to sit up and gag. As if that wasn't enough, she went on to polish my teeth. Half way through it she dropped a glob of the polishing cream INTO my freakin' eye. That burned like you have never known, nothing like a drop of gritty cream that is mint flavored to make you have sudden flashes of wearing an eye patch for the rest of your life. I kept irrigating my eye with that little cup they let you swish from until I could open my eye. I still feel like I have minty fumes coming from my eye. After that it was my first time to finish my cleaning with ME wearing the goggles. Who knew a trip to the dentist would be so harmful to your health.
Monday, April 27, 2009
Did that dog just??
So yesterday I was working my second job (which I rarely do anymore) and talking about the dogs. The more I talked the more funny it sounded the funny things Wilson does. So here are some of the funny (or so I think) things my Wilson does.
- Snores, some dogs don't but he has a very LOUD snore for such a little dog.
- Licks my knees, he will be sitting by me for an hour and for no reason lick my knee. Coco does this too, but usually when he first sits by me. Wilson will surprise me every time.
- Shits on concrete, now most of you have dogs and they like a nice little grassy area to do their business. They even stop and take their time. Not Wilson, he prefers concrete. He took a shit on the sidewalk at the kids school once.
- Wilson will shit while walking, no pauses, no hunkering down. The dog will never miss a beat and shoot them out the back like peanut M&M's or something. It's gross I know but have you ever seen a dog on a leash just poo and keep on walking??
He's so cute. Blake even says so!!! Ha. Anyhoo, I've been so wrapped up in stuff lately I haven't posted much. So does your dog poop while walking?? Anything?
Monday, April 20, 2009

Monday, March 30, 2009

What did you guys do all weekend? I know what Mel did. We had a blast Saturday! Sunday Blake's cousin Christian came in town for a day and spent most of it with the kids. We loaded up and let them play at Murray park and then walked the Big Dam Bridge. Christian posted some great pictures on FB and I stole some of them. Wilson even had fun!
Thursday, March 26, 2009
For Sale
Remember my birdhouse? I talked my patient into making them and selling them (well,actually a lot of people did). I got another one today. I would show it to you, but it may be gifted to someone who mentioned they may want one. What a neat thing. This guy was retired and did nothing most of the day, would teeter around making stuff and made me that awesome birdhouse. If you could've seen the look on his face when he came in today to drop off the one I requested you would've just died. I think/hope that he does more and more of them. He will take orders, it takes him about 2 weeks to make one. let me know. Oh, and the one he made me? A bird is making a nest in it now, the kids and I saw it the other day. The bird's name is Godzilla. She's a tiny thing.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Jeez, I can't seem to keep a blog and facebook at the same time!! I guess just being able to put a line or two and not write a whole paragraph or whatever appeals to me so much more. So anyway, if any of you are still out there reading this-what's up in your world? We're on spring break this week and really don't have any plans. The kids think I'm doing this on purpose to torture them. They don't realize I can't take off unless my boss does....and his kids are in college now. He doesn't take off for college spring break, we must work through it to afford the college's they go to! Ha! Connor and Casey are both in full swing of soccer. Casey's team is undefeated, Connor's team......totally defeated. Oh Well. Connor got a guitar for his birthday and starts lessons this Friday. Can't wait. Casey will start swim team again this summer. Luckily, her meets are Tuesday nights this year. So, like I said, what's up with you?
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Happy Brithday Kate!!!
Happy Birthday to my sister Kate. Hope your day is as great as you are!!! I would post a picture but I have a new computer and I have no idea where my pictures are on here!!! The website for the rainboots is!
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Rain rain go away....or not.

Since the soccer season has started and once again it has rained every week right before a game I thought I would look into rain boots. Seems how they are seasonal and somehow Arkansas doesn't consider spring when you would need rain boots. I have looked everywhere. None to be found. So I have ventured out into the Internet and this is what I found and ordered. Cute, huh?
Umm, yes I ordered both and Casey the matching Mom and me boot. A girl can never have too many shoes!!!
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Happy Birthday Connor!
Connor turns 12 today. It seems like yesterday that I had him. Seriously, with all the excitement of Hopper's arrival and getting to go see him and hold him made me think of all the special feelings I had when Connor arrived. Seems like yesterday, I just don't miss the lack of sleep. Happy Birthday to my terminator!!!!
Monday, March 9, 2009
Okay, so I am wayyy behind on posting things. I find facebook much more entertaining these days. Sorry. So Austin was great, I got to spend Hopper's first night with him in the hospital. He liked me so much he kept me up all night getting to know me. Yeah, 2 hours of sleep, and even that was interrupted. But how can you get mad at such a cute face? I was going to post my pictures today but Stinkydog has already posted most of the good ones. I will just add one more before I need to leave and get Connor some birthday stuff. Yeah, my BABY will be 12 tomorrow!
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Are my eyes too big?
Monday, February 9, 2009
Big Night Out
Friday was the very last father/daughter dance for Casey's Y-Princess group. Well, not the last for the organization, just for her group since this is their last year. For those of you who don't know Y-Princess is a lot like girlscouts except a few things, like they do this with the Dads (yes!), and they only do it for four years (unlike some in the family that did girlscouts until they were 18-yikes!). So anyway, everything they do this year is a big deal since it is their last. We decided to surprise the girls with a limo to take them to the dance. The looks on the faces were priceless, and I think the Dad's liked it too!
Monday, February 2, 2009
This Robin thanks you

I had a very sweet patient give me this gift today. I don't think it really had anything to do with the fact with that my name is Robyn, and maybe he thought 'Robin' might like a birdhouse. Nonetheless it is a really cool birdhouse he made by hand. I do believe I may be asking him to make me more or some for gifts, so watch out, you may be looking at what your getting for christmas this year!!!!!
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Dear Stinkydog
Here are the rules--
You must have your own blog. And I will be limiting my own interviews to the first three requests. You have to link back to the original post and also to your interviewer's post and include the following:
Want to be part of it? Follow these instructions:
1. Leave me a comment saying, “Interview me.”
2. I will respond by emailing you five questions. I get to pick the questions.
3. You will update your blog with the answers to the questions.
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the same post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.
BUT, I am going to stop here and not interview anyone--sorry, I'm laim. (heh).
1. Describe your personal style.
2. Have you ever met anyone famous?
3. If you had not become a nurse, what do you think you would be doing right now?
4. If you could live anywhere in the world, cost not being a factor, where would you go?
5. What is the funniest thing that ever happened to you?
The answers are:
You must have your own blog. And I will be limiting my own interviews to the first three requests. You have to link back to the original post and also to your interviewer's post and include the following:
Want to be part of it? Follow these instructions:
1. Leave me a comment saying, “Interview me.”
2. I will respond by emailing you five questions. I get to pick the questions.
3. You will update your blog with the answers to the questions.
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the same post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.
BUT, I am going to stop here and not interview anyone--sorry, I'm laim. (heh).
1. Describe your personal style.
2. Have you ever met anyone famous?
3. If you had not become a nurse, what do you think you would be doing right now?
4. If you could live anywhere in the world, cost not being a factor, where would you go?
5. What is the funniest thing that ever happened to you?
The answers are:
- I'm not sure I have a personal style. I do know I am not real traditional. I can't stand flowers in the house (unless they are real), and I tend to change frequently. For instance, when I was in nursing school- country was all the rage. Wouldn't be caught dead in it now.
- I have never been OFFICIALLY introduced to anyone famous. However, a few years ago Russell Crow came up to me and Casey at the Indy 500 and spoke to us (I was star struck and ran for my camera too late!). It was right around the time he threw a phone at some hotel personel, etc. I have seen Paul Newman, Crystal Gayle, and numerous others at the Indy 500....all from a distance.
- Going to nursing school saved me. That sounds corny I know but I was in a spot/time in my life that was going NO WHERE. I believe if I didn't go to school and finish I would probably be smoking pot and working at some cheezy hairdressing place.
- Since I haven't been everywhere I want to go in the world that is hard to answer. I am imagining I would want to settle down in Hawaii or on the beaches of Greece. I just don't know. I do know I want to live where it is warm and sunny 99% of the time. I can't stand cold weather, never have and never will.
- I don't know what the funniest thing that happened to me was. Maybe when my friend Theresa accidently called a radio station wishing me happy birthday and it wasn't even close to my birthday (she had me and another Robyn mixed up), but clearly announced it was my birthday. Of course she made sure everyone we were working with was listening. I do know the funny crap I've done to other people,my favorite is when my friend Ronda and I put blue food coloring in Patrick's nose spray at work and watched him walk around for 12 hours with a blue nose and upper lip. He never did get me back good for that which makes it all that much better!
Friday, January 23, 2009
Goal #1 accomplished!
Okay, when were rolled into a new year I did not post my 'resolutions'. Most of you know I always say they are only made to be broken. But every year I set goals in my head and hope to get every one of them done. I can honestly say when I tell people these goals I seem to squash them all on my own. Like when I told Stinkydog I wanted to run the Boston Marathon when I turned 40 or when I told Kate I would love to win the Race for the Cure. Each time I somehow sabotaged my own goal, either by slacking off or just ignoring it. If you ever look my race times up you know I could have easily accomplished either one. I told my work a couple of years ago I may go back to school and finish my masters or something. Have I done it? Noooooo. So anyway, you can count on the fact that if I say it out loud I will not do it. Dumb, I know.
So when I got back from Stinkydogs house over new years I told myself and no one else several things I should do this year. One was to be more green, I have never been much into recycling and have no idea why not. So I have turned in all my plastic bags you get at the grocery store and Target (yes I turned them in at the recycling bin) and purchased my reusable bags. I have successfully made this transition and am very happy about it. Key is to stick one of those suckers in your car at all times. That way last minute trips to the grocery store don't tempt you to use the plastic bags that seemed to multiply by the thousands in my pantry.
One down and several more to go!!! Anyone care to guess what the others are? I'm already well into my second one.
So when I got back from Stinkydogs house over new years I told myself and no one else several things I should do this year. One was to be more green, I have never been much into recycling and have no idea why not. So I have turned in all my plastic bags you get at the grocery store and Target (yes I turned them in at the recycling bin) and purchased my reusable bags. I have successfully made this transition and am very happy about it. Key is to stick one of those suckers in your car at all times. That way last minute trips to the grocery store don't tempt you to use the plastic bags that seemed to multiply by the thousands in my pantry.
One down and several more to go!!! Anyone care to guess what the others are? I'm already well into my second one.
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
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