Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Okay, I just got back from purchasing yet another pair of silver hoop earrings. Now when I lived at home it was certain that one of my siblings stole my stuff or hid my stuff out of spite, whatever. But now I'm here with my family and Casey and I are the only ones that could possibly wear them. And believe me, she has her own set of 'hoochie-momma' earrings I let her wear on weekends and special occasions. I have also searched her drawers and room looking for any trace of my lost earrings. They are NOWHERE!! And yes, I even looked in Connor's room just in case. Well, anyway I love a pair of medium sized hoop earrings that aren't heavy. They go with everything! Why can't I keep up with mine? This is at least the fourth pair in a year or so. I have plenty of others but why bother? If you want any ideas as to what to get me this year for birthday or Christmas then go figure!
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Today was Casey's first time to play a basketball game. I was very curious to see how this would go. She loves soccer and can play a mean game, but I've always been her coach. I wasn't sure how she would take being yelled at by someone other than me, and how would she take their directions? She seems like a natural at soccer, barely even being told half the time what to do. So here we go. She was a starting player. She did great, she played defense against a girl a whole head taller than her and never backed down. You can tell she's fearless out there! She played and played and never seemed to get upset if she didn't make a basket. It was pretty darn funny though because she kept guarding that girl even when her team had the ball. We will work on that. But all and all I thought she was very good. Of course she got a green star for best defense! On the other hand, Connor's team at Holy Souls is ranked #2 overall in the league. They have only lost one game so far, and that was by one point in the last few seconds of the game.
Friday, January 25, 2008
Shit, I mean sleet.

Yes, it happened to sleet for all of 30 minutes here today and as Mel pointed out ALL of Little Rock shut down. I was proud that at least my kids school waited until it started to sleet to shut down. Public schools shut down at 10 a.m. and it hadn't even started yet!!!! But yes, the kids and I went to the store to buy kitty litter (Nilly got declawed today) and some very important items. We were the only ones in line with football cards, magazines, beer, kitty litter, coffee, and clearance items from the summer clothes rack. I realize milk and bread weren't in our cart but we don't consume much of either of those products. Oh well. If it's cold here I want that fun snowy crap we can play in!!! Like last year!
Monday, January 21, 2008
The best day ever (for Connor!)
Well, the family and I headed down to Houston this weekend for a short getaway. It was the Shriner's East-West game so we decided to see what it was all about! Connor has become quite the football fan so we thought he would enjoy it. Welllll, let me tell you! If you have a 10 year old that's a football fanatic it couldn't have got much better. Connor had 'the best weekend of his entire life' as he put it. He got a New Orleans Saints football autographed by the team. A picture and autograph by Sam Gash. An autograph by Adrianne Peterson. And his picture made by the Heisman Trophy that George Rogers won. Gee, how can I top any of that? We all had fun, but obviously Connor had the most. I will be more than happy to post pics of all these things as soon as I have time. But as you all know I'm not that savvy with the picture posting thing and my computer is slower than christmas.
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Tag, I'm it!
Thanks, Mel. You guys know I'm not interesting enough to come up with seven things but I will try! I definitely don't know about posting pictures. I may leave that up to stinkydog.
- My pet peeve is feet. I don't like my own much less anyone else's. Please keep them covered and away from me. A good pedicure can only do so much.
- I love the taste of apples and tomatoes, but hate the way cooked ones feel while eating them. I can't stand the texture or something. I know that's crazy.
- I always wanted to be a hairdresser growing up. And actually a lot of nurses used to be hairdressers. Connor let me cut his hair until kindergarten when I nicked his ear and it wouldn't quit bleeding. It was the first day of school. He won't let me forget it.
- I still have the kiss coupon Fishdog used to give the girls in 6th and 7th grade. It's pretty dam funny! I just found it in an old yearbook when I was looking for my high school yearbook this last summer.
- I used to think the boogy man hid in the laundry hamper at our house on Circle Lake until I was 12 or so. No shit, thanks to big brother for that one.
- I did not like Blake when I first met him. Whew! Aren't we glad that changed!
- I used to wear eyeshadow that looked like a rainbow when I was a sophomore in high school. I have a picture of me and Annie Santa Cruz wearing it. I wish I could find it for this blog!!! Again was the 80's!!!!!!
Now I'm supposed to tag seven other people but if you notice I only have two or three on my clicks list. Oh well, if anyone wants to then feel free to post somethin' wacky about yourself. I just did!!!!
Friday, January 11, 2008

This wasn't the good news I was looking for today, but it will work. Actually lifted my spirits a little. My cousin who lives in Utah e-mailed to say that her daughter has had a dream for years to sing the national anthem at the Utah Jazz NBA basketball game. She auditioned and got the word last week that she made it!!! Woo Hoo! Samantha (aka Sammy Kay) will be living out her dream this weekend at a game that will be televised locally. With any luck she may become the next Hannah Montana and Blake won't have to wait in line for 5 hours for tickets he won't get!!!
Thursday, January 10, 2008
I don't know what kind of title to put to this. I'm not one to call out for 'prayer' lists etc. but I can't help asking everyone to keep this in your prayers. My sister in law, who is 37 and has two children has had problems for a while now with some 'tingling' in her fingers and feet. She was treated for 'neuropathy' and sent home.
She got some better but now has had a relapse to the point that she can't feel her legs enough to walk. She's fallen at home several times just trying to get up to walk across the room. She was checked into the med center here yesterday for a work up to determine if she has this. It really sucks because if she doesn't then they will start looking into ALS, which is fatal. Regardless, either diagnosis is devastating for someone our age.
She got some better but now has had a relapse to the point that she can't feel her legs enough to walk. She's fallen at home several times just trying to get up to walk across the room. She was checked into the med center here yesterday for a work up to determine if she has this. It really sucks because if she doesn't then they will start looking into ALS, which is fatal. Regardless, either diagnosis is devastating for someone our age.
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Great Hair Day
Despite our nasty rainy weather I'm having a great hair day. Oh yes, I just came home from Jackson's. Jackson has been doing my hair for the last four years. I love going there. He's definitely gay and doesn't mind talking about other gay people, or rednecks, or teach your kids goofy poems that start out "one bright day in the middle of the night, two dead boys got up to fight....." (remember that one Aunt Lee?). He's always in a good mood, and if he isn't he makes fun of not being in a good mood. It's always fun, even if I don't say much. Today his hot topics were eyebrows, 'code words' for sex, his crush on the straight guy in the salon (who doesn't know it), naked people in New York, Las Vegas, and waxing. I'd post a picture of myself but I'm not good at taking one of myself without making it look like I have a double chin.
Monday, January 7, 2008
Please note......!
The difference between memorial and funeral. I might be pissing someone off by writing this but next time you tell me and call me three times to guilt me into attending a 'memorial' service after I've been up all night working then you might want to make damned sure you say the word FUNERAL so I come dressed appropriately and awake enough to endure the hell of watching someone be buried before the service is over. I did love the deceased, no doubt. But I came in jeans and a black shirt thinking it was much like a rosary. Very casual and to pay respects. But when I got there I had no idea we were starting with the graveside and proceeding to a full blown FUNERAL. No shit. There's not enough beer to describe it. If I had come more prepared and informed it might be a tad bit different, but oh well. Rest in peace Aunt Corrine!!!!
Sunday, January 6, 2008
Lipstick tips and a bit more!

"You can tell someone is sick if her lips are pale:this shows bad circulation" Page 179, this was under the beauty section of this book Casey just got last week at Barnes and Noble. It wasn't expensive, and at first glance I thought it was cute. It still is, but is probably better suited for a girl more 'preteen' than she is. It goes into bras and puberty stuff at the end, but not very graphic at all. I think it's okay for an 8 yr old....going on 18!
And anyway, after a full day of a 'memorial' that turned into a 2 hour graveside and church service, I came home to pick up the house and find this on Casey's floor. It kindof brightened my day, a little. I started thumbing through, and came across a couple of cute things. For instance, she still like Max in her class. They've been 'crushing' since kindergarten. And her friend Olivia passed the best friend test by having "ALOT" of socks...who would know this about their friend?? I don't even know if my friends wear socks.
Saturday, January 5, 2008
Go Wabbits!
There's nothing worse than a wabbit being beat than being beat by a wabbit! Oh yes, Connor's basketball team beat the undefeated (until now)team from IC this morning! Woo hoo! Connor got some game time,but not as much as usual. This was easily understood as the other team was very aggressive and Connor is, ummm, not. Connor still held his own and played well making several rebounds and good throws to other teammates that led to several points. They are now ranked #1. Connor is pumped up, so are we. Thank god, since our teams mascot is a freakin' wabbit.
Friday, January 4, 2008
What? Another Blog?
I know my sister is going to fall out when she sees that I have posted yet again this week. Isn't this great? Whatever. I'm on a roll here people. I say I don't set resolutions for the new year, but what about a list of things that I like to do, should do, but won't, if I don't have a list to keep up with? So blogging is on my list. I am determined to stay posted and keep you updated with my extremely boring life and talk about my kids and running anytime I want to. Like it or not.
I really want Teds wife to start blogging too or even my older sister. I need someone else to comment on my blog. Well, I'm off to the gym to run. I got suckered into helping some friends do the marathon relay. I can't remember how many miles I do but at least it's not 13! My goal is to run 3-4 miles everyday during the week and do at least one long run of 6-7 miles on sat. or sun. Ha! We'll see. Off to the gym I go!
I really want Teds wife to start blogging too or even my older sister. I need someone else to comment on my blog. Well, I'm off to the gym to run. I got suckered into helping some friends do the marathon relay. I can't remember how many miles I do but at least it's not 13! My goal is to run 3-4 miles everyday during the week and do at least one long run of 6-7 miles on sat. or sun. Ha! We'll see. Off to the gym I go!
Thursday, January 3, 2008
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
Happy New Year!
Last night the family and a few friends came over. We were just going to have just a 'few' people, but when you add the kids all up we had a small army in the playroom. Yes, Stinkydog, we had a party last night. It was very tame and despite the very large bottle of wine Dad brought he didn't get drunk, nor did anyone else, and drool on my couch. Gee, And I was prepared this time with plenty of extra towels to put down in case. Anyone got any neat resolutions that they made last night? Not me, no way!
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